1-4 Mill Street
KY12 9DQ
breakdown recovery, car services, diagnostics, engine tuning, mot testing
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BROOMHEAD GARAGE As a trusted and long established vehicle service centre Broomhead Garage in Dunfermline has a long standing reputation for quality and service. As specialists in car servicing and breakdown recovery we have a large amount of regular customers throughout Dunfermline and Fife. Our garage has a great reputation and we pride ourselves on being professional and reliable at all times.
Our Car Services ..
We at Broomhead Garage can repair just about any car on the road today.
Our mechanics have many years of experience providing a high quality of service to our customers, many who have been regular clients of ours for many years.
We take pride in offering conscientious and thorough standards of work to all our patrons.
Read on to see what we can do for you.
Air Conditioning .
Air conditioning comes as standard in many cars nowadays.
These systems can develope several faults due to corrosion and lack of regular servicing.
The commonest problem is due to loss of the refrigerant (up to 10-15% a year) which will need to be replaced to keep it working properly.
Before we recharge your system, we test for severe leaks which may be the cause of loss of refridgerant.
Keep cool in Summer! Check us out!
Brakes ..
Modern braking systems work by pressure transmitted hydraulically through a series of cylinders and pipes. The handbrake usually operates through cables connected to the handbrake lever and then to the rear brakes.
The MOT test requires that your brakes work efficently. Additionally, the handbrake or parking brake should stop at least 2 wheels from turning.
Like most car components, brake parts wear out and need to be replaced. One of the checks done during a your car's service is that the brakes are checked and cleaned.
One of the symptoms of your brakes working incorrectly is that the car pulls to one side when the brakes are applied.
Faulty brakes can be repaired and replaced by our mechanics
We only use high quality brake parts (usually TRW) when replacing worn elements _ e.g brake pads and discs.
Clutches ..
A Clutch may last your car up to 80,000 miles. However, with heavy use they may only last 35,000 miles. Usually, the friction material on the clutch wears out and the clutch may slip under load.
Another problem that may arise is a leaking slave or master cylinder. If these fail, although the clutch pedal is fully depressed, no pressure is transmitted to the clutch which will then cease to function at all.
Broomhead Garage can quickly repair and renew faulty clutches.
Exhausts ..
The car exhaust is possibly the least glamourous part of the car, removing waste engine products under the car and out of the back.
However, to pass an MOT test, the exhaust must meet certain standards and the catalytic converter (where fitted) must operate properly.
In modern petrol engines, the catalytic converter converts noxious gases to harmless ones.
The exhaust should also help to reduce engine noise.
Broomhead Garage can quickly renew damaged and worn exhaust systems and change catalytic converters.
Servicing ..
To keep your car safe and working efficiently, it needs to be regularly serviced.
Modern cars have much longer servicing intervals these days, but neglecting a service can leave your car using more fuel.
Unchanged filters and oil can shorten the engine's life.
Amongst other checks, we inspect and clean your brakes.
Our mechanics will be happy to advise you if you are not sure about the current state of your car servicing record.
We also perform first services for new cars using only the manufacturers recommended parts.
Timing Belts
The Timing Belt controls the inlet and outlet valves in the engine.
The belts need to be replaced between approximately 60,000 and 90,000 miles.
Replacing a timing belt isn't terribly expensive _ compared to cost of replacing the engine.
If your engine's timing belt breaks, your engine is probably scrap.
Our mechanics will be happy to advise you if you are not sure about the current state of your Timing Belt.
Tyres .
To be legal, your tyres must have a minimum of 1.6mm tread, be in good condition without tears, cracks or sidewall bulges.
1.6mm is the legal minimum, but if the tread is less than 2mm they will not be as efficient as they might be and will require replacing soon.
Loosing your grip on wet roads at speed may not be the best way to find out just how much new tyres would benefit the car. Additionally, the penalties for having illegal tyres are currently up to a £2500 fine and 3 penalty points per tyre.
Additionally, fuel consumption can be helped by fitting better tyres.
Broomhead Garage will fit and balance your new tyres. Check with our staff to see how we can help you.
Garage Services
Do you suspect your engine isn't running as well as it could? We use modern computing diagnostics to find out what's wrong.
Car won't start? Will not even turn over! Could be the battery. Let us help you out with a replacement.
Your tyres are OK but the car won't steer properly? Maybe that last speed bump broke a spring or maybe the shock absorbers are worn out. Broomhead can replace non-functioning suspension parts with new ones to get you through and away safely.
We also do welding work to your car body where corrosion has eaten away at the chassis.
For your convenience, we do a pick up and drop off service. Get in touch for more information on this.
There is almost nothing Broomhead garage cannot replace or repair on your car. Just ask us!
MOT Testing ...
We have been performing MOT tests in Dunfermline for many years and these tests are a speciality of ours.
Everyone who uses a vehicle on the road must keep it in a roadworthy condition. The MOT test checks that vehicles meet road safety and environmental standards. The first MOT test for a vehicle is required when it’s three years old.
The MOT test covers
Lighting and Signalling Equipment
Steering (including suspension)
Brakes (including handbrake)
Tyres and Road Wheels (tread depth, bulges, tears)
Seat Belts
Body, Structure and General Items
Exhaust, Fuel and Emissions
Drivers View of the Road (windscreen, wipers)
For more information, go to or ask our staff.